Born April 15th, 1452 and living to be 67, Leonardo da Vinci grown to hold a bold title of a Italian Renaissance polymath. Not only was he a successful painter, he was also a sculpture, engineer, inventor, geologist, anatomist, cartographer, botanist, writer, musician and much more! With his large fascination with his scientific studies and human anatomy, he was able to create art pieces most realistic as possible.
Leonardo decided not to use the conventional fresco methods of painting in most of his art pieces, meaning he worked at his own leisure and complete the project without the limitation of time in the way, although he was criticized for this technique, he still remains as one of the most brilliant people of all times.
Leonardo is often remembered by three of his many masterpieces, the Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, and Vitruvian Man. My favorite out of the chosen three is the Mona Lisa. I like this masterpiece because the lady's facial expression remains a mystery and only the artist truly knows what the lady's facial expression was really meant to portray.
I chose Leonardo da Vinci because I find it very fascinating that such a wonderful, talented artist can excel in so many other fields of subject. I also think he is interesting because not many people during those times was willing to study anatomy let alone understand it. Not only did da Vinci leave behind many masterpieces, but he left 20 sketchbooks/notebooks that eventually became footprints of knowledge and information that the future used.